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Discover this
amazing experience while on the island

Our Services

  • You've never tried to ice bath and you'd like to have a private session with a certified ice bath instructor on your next vacation in Mallorca?

  • You have some experience with ice baths and you want our instructors to help you take it to the next level?

  • Do you want to have the experience at our facilities or at your hotel, villa or yacht?

  • You own an ice bath at home and you want to rent one for your Airbnb or private villa?


All this is possible now thanks to Ice Bath Mallorca.


Please check out our services:


Cold exposure

Strengthens the immune system


Improve your mood, reduce stress


Accelerates metabolism, promotes weight loss


Increase your energy and focus


Reduces pain and fatigue


Improves the quality of sleep and rest


Reduces inflammation


Promotes anti-aging


Heat exposure

Reduces stress levels


Increases and improves circulation


Promotes the elimination of toxins, cleanses the skin


Relieves muscle pain and arthritis


Increases longevity


Improves cardiovascular health


Improves the quality of rest


Strengthens the respiratory system

Stress up to stress down:
we will teach you how to get a little controlled stress so you can stop getting a lot of uncontrolled stress

What are this therapies used for?

Physical and MENTAL well-being

  1. Improve your overall health and well-being, reduce pain and fatigue

  2. Learn to manage stress, increase your happiness

  3. Facilitate sleep and improve your rest

  4. Accelerates metabolism, facilitates weight loss

  5. Strengthen your immune system

  6. Increase libido, improve your skin, eliminate toxins

  7. Strengthen your focus and determination, eliminate procrastination

  8. Improve your mood and resilience

  9. Increase your energy and concentration

  10. Improve your adaptation to cold and heat

  1. Reduces injury recovery times

  2. Improves concentration

  3. Reduces muscle and joint pain

  4. Increase your willpower

  5. Reduces inflammation

  6. Improve your sports performance thanks to cold and heat adaptation

  7. Get mentally used to overcoming difficulties

  8. Prepare yourself physically for intense phases, recover sooner

  9. Reduces risk of injury by reducing inflammation

  10. Stimulate and exercise your immune system


Cold exposure and heat exposure therapies are used to prevent, alleviate or treat a number of diseases and medical conditions, as well as various addictions.​

  • Stress, anxiety, inflammation

  • High blood pressure and cholesterol

  • Joint diseases, arthritis

  • Pain management, fibromyalgia

  • Raynaud's disease, Lyme disease, Crohn's disease

  • Autoimmune system diseases (lupus, psoriasis)

  • Migraines and headache

  • Respiratory diseases (asthma, pneumonia)

  • Alzheimer's, etc

  • I am a very cold person, this is not for me...
    Precisely if you are a cold person, these therapies are perfect for you! By learning to exercise your thermoregulation, you will ensure that the cold does not affect you as much, you will tolerate it much better. And the same thing will happen with the heat, from now on you will handle the hot summers much better. Also consider the mental reward of overcoming "I can't" or "this isn't for me." Once you try it, you will strengthen your mind by showing yourself that it wasn't a big deal and that you could do it. Empowering yourself, controlling and overcoming that initial stress will make you grow and show yourself that you are capable of this and many more things that until now you thought you couldn't do.
  • What is Thermalism exactly?
    Historically, the term thermalism has been used to define the set of knowledge and means used for the therapeutic use of natural mineral waters, popularly known as "thermal waters." The esteem that humans have had for hot springs goes back thousands of years, from the hot springs of India to the best-known hot springs of ancient Greece. In the Greco-Roman world, the development of medicinal water baths provided extraction and distribution techniques throughout facilities dedicated to offering different bath modalities, cold, warm or hot, as well as exercise and massage therapy disciplines. Today, thermalism is more broadly defined as a holistic approach that harnesses the power of exposure to both cold and heat to improve our overall well-being. Thermalism personalizes and adapts these intense external stimuli according to the morphological characteristics, experience and goals of each individual.
  • Will the water be too cold? Am I going to suffer? I do not think I can do it...
    Although it is a fairly rapid process, thermal adaptation (both for cold and heat) is progressive. The same thing happens if you join the gym and from the first day you intend to do exercises with the same weight as others who have been exercising for years. We will progress in this thermal adaptation according to your experience and practice, don't worry.
  • Is it really necessary?
    Just because you asked yourself that question, yes, it is necessary. Get out of your comfort zone and do something you don't want to do. Think about improving your well-being, feeling better emotionally, learning to control and overcome stress and anxiety, not feeling tired or sick. Don't you think it's at least worth trying? We'll give you a fact: everyone who tries it gets hooked. You get hooked on what you feel after doing it and all the benefits you get from doing something you don't want to do. Think about it another way: Scandinavian countries have been doing this for centuries, isn't it because it's incredibly good?
  • Can everyone do it?
    The vast majority of people can practice it, although people with serious health or mental health conditions should consult a doctor or mental health professional in advance. Special care should be taken with heart problems, high blood pressure, previous strokes or heart attacks, kidney disease, angina pectoris, Raynaud's syndrome type I, migraines, recent post-surgery, those who have recently had an operation, those with metal implants, eye conditions, panic disorders, cold urticaria and severe asthma.
  • Is it scientifically backed or is it a fad?
    Although it may be relatively new to the rest of the world, Scandinavian countries have been performing this type of therapy for hundreds of years, so no, it is not a fad. In recent years it has been spreading to the rest of the world thanks to social networks and celebrities who have begun to practice them. Yes, it is scientifically backed. We precisely wanted to obtain the certification as a thermal instructor, which we received from the Soeberg Institute of Denmark, because it is entirely based on scientific studies. It is the only institute or training center that does it this way. Today there are hundreds of studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these therapies. If you have any questions or queries about any particular case that you want to know about a study, contact us and we will be happy to help you.
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